RDANT Grants

Grants - How we Help

RDA NT plays an active role in growing a strong and confident regional economy by capitalising on economic opportunities and attracting investment.

Grants – How we Help

A key aspect of our support involves providing information and assistance regarding various grant and funding opportunities available to organisations, local government and businesses. This includes supporting Australian Government regional and community programs, including the Growing Regions program and the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

Finding Grants

We assist local organisations and groups to identify and apply for relevant funding opportunities from various sources. We offer guidance and feedback on how to prepare effective and competitive grant applications that align with the priorities and objectives of funders.

Use our Search Grants [link to Search Grants page] resource or contact us [link to Contact Us page] to discuss your project and grant requirements.

To view current grants available view our Grant Search page.

Regional Data

We provide access to a comprehensive online platform, .id (Informed Decisions), that is designed to provide detailed economic and demographic insights that can support projects and funding applications. This resource allows users to explore and compare various indicators, such as population size and growth, income and employment, industry performance, and economic output.

The platform also includes economic modelling of projects and scenarios that can inform decision-making and planning.

See Regional Data

Economic Modelling

The team at RDA NT can assist with the preparation of economic and event impact reports to assist with project proposals and/or grant applications.

The .id Economic modelling tool can simulate the economic impact of proposed projects, estimating job creation, economic output, and other key metrics. These assessments are critical for demonstrating the value and potential return on investment to funders.

See Regional Data

Letters of Support

A letter of support from your local advocacy organisations and councils can make a big difference to the success of your grant application.

RDA NT can provide letters of support to assist in gaining access to grant funding. Please send your request to admin@rdant.com.au with details of your project, grant you are applying to and any relevant documentation.

Application Resources

We have developed a Guide to Successful Grant writing to help you understand how to best prepare a successful grant application for your organisation or project.

Guide to Writing Successful Grant Applications

A range of other helpful resources can be found on the Funding Centre website explore.fundingcentre.com.au/tools-resources/home