The Northern Australia Regional Network

Wider Regional Network

Northern RDA Alliance (NRDAA)

The Northern RDA Alliance comprises eight Regional Development Australia Committees whose regions make up Northern Australia.

This network formed in early 2014, initially to provide input to the Developing Northern Australia White Paper. The NRDAA has been meeting regularly since then and providing input to the Australian Government on issues pertaining to Northern Australia.

Our aim is to support;

  1. Economic development policies and programs
  2. The identification and prioritisation of investment opportunities; and
  3. The sustainable development of Northern Australia.

The NRDAA has identified the following priorities:

  • Connecting northern Australia through strategic road infrastructure;
  • Investigating solutions to shortfalls in regional and remote telecommunications;
  • Working towards a northern Australian energy strategy;
  • Securing access to potable water for northern Australian communities;
  • Monitoring progress towards the development of a collaborative research initiative supporting agriculture; and
  • Exploring incentive options to lift northern Australian investment and livability.

Developing Northern Australia White Paper – Summary

Developing Northern Australia White Paper – Full Report

White Paper Summary
White Paper Full Report
Government sponsored