Growing Regions Program

The Australian Government has launched the new Growing Regions Program with the release of the grant opportunity guidelines.

The program will invest in critical regional infrastructure and community projects across regional and rural Australia through two funding rounds over 3 years with $300 million available for Round 1, with Expressions of Interest to open on 5 July 2023.

The program aims to drive economic growth, enhance liveability, bolster social inclusion and support local amenity. Local Government entities and not-for-profit organisations will be able to apply for grants of between $500,000 and $15 million for capital works projects that deliver community and economic infrastructure projects across regional and rural Australia.

The grants can be used to cover up to 50% of eligible project costs, with lower co-funding requirements in place to support First Nations, disaster-affected and remote applicants to make their projects a reality.

Funding Rounds
Round 1 will open for expressions of interest on 5 July 2023, with $300 million available to support capital works projects for community and economic infrastructure across regional and rural areas.

Program Guidelines
The program guidelines are now available for eligible applicants to start preparing expressions of interest. Further information on the application process, including application forms, will be provided when Round 1 opens on 5 July 2023.

The program is open competitive with grants awarded on a merit basis. There will be a two-stage application process. Under Stage One, applicants will be required to submit Expressions of Interest which will be assessed to ensure projects meet eligibility requirements, project readiness and program suitability, and are aligned with regional priorities for the area.

Expressions of Interest that are assessed as meeting requirements and approved to proceed will be invited to submit a full application (Stage Two).

Program information and guidelines for Round 1 are now available:

How We Can Help
If you are considering an application, we encourage you to speak to us about aligning your project proposal with regional priorities (assessment criterion 2 in the EOI application).

RDA NT can also work with you to prepare a competitive application by preparing supporting documents and evidence, including a letter of support and economic impact modelling.