Australian Government GrantsThe Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Acting Minister for Regional Development and Acting Minister for Local Government and Territories, the Hon Darren Chester MP announced the opening of Round Two of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF). The $481.6 million BBRF supports the Australian Government’s commitment to create jobs, drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities into the future.

BBRF is a competitive, merit based grant program, which supports regional areas through infrastructure projects under the Infrastructure Projects stream and community strengthening projects under the Community Investments stream. The Infrastructure Projects Stream supports projects which involve the construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. The Community Investments Stream funds community activities – new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans, and leadership and capability strengthening activities These projects will deliver economic and social benefits to regional and remote communities. Infrastructure activities are not eligible for the Community Investments Stream. Round One of BBRF was a great success for projects in our region and we encourage all proponents of well-developed projects to consider this great opportunity to progress projects of regional and local significance.

Applications open: 7 November 2017 12:00 pm AEDT (Daylight savings time) Applications close: 19 December 2017 5:00 pm AEDT (Daylight savings time)


For assistance or advice with your funding application, please contact our helpful Project Officers:

Justine Elder |Top End Project Officer | E | P 8941 7550
Robin Gregory | Central Australia Project Officer | E | P 0417 781 272