RDA NT congratulates it’s partners on their recent BBRF funding. We look forward to assisting more organisations with their applications in the next funding round.
Infrastructure Projects Stream:
Barkly Regional Council | Elliott Community Sport & Recreational Facilities Upgrade:
Refurbishment of the Elliott Sport & Recreational facilities, the only multi-purpose building in the community and a hub for diverse activities and events within the community. Key upgraded areas include the office, kitchen, indoor recreation area, basketball courts, storage room, gym/fitness and training facility and outside shaded seating.
Granted $136,505 (Project cost $182,006)
Buku Larrnggay Mulka Inc | Yirrkala Guesthouse:
Installation of 3 transportable buildings comprising of 6 self-contained units, site landscaping, car parking and disabled access.
Granted $744,851 (Project cost $993,135)
East Arnhem Regional Council | Milyakburra Roads Upgrade Program 2017:
Comprehensive road renewal and sealing package in the community of Milyakburra. Reduce vulnerability of road surfaces and roadsides during the wet season; eliminate corrugations; and increase safety through standard traffic width.
Granted $2,000,000 (Project cost $3,600,000)
NT Cattlemen’s Association Inc | Roe Creek Training and Accommodation Facility:
Construction of a specialised training centre at Roe Creek which will provide accommodation for up to 30 young people.
Granted $446,340 (Project cost $595,120)
Roper Gulf Regional Council | Borroloola Government Business Hub Development:
Construction of a new building to include new offices, a library, multi-purpose function rooms and amenities.
Granted $978,714 (Project cost $1,304,952)
Tiwi Land Council Inc | Tiwi Islands Welcome Centre & Pontoons Project:
Construction of a pontoon at Paru on Melville Island and Wurrumiyanga on Bathurst Island and a Visitors Welcome Centre at Wurrumiyang.
Granted $3,610,000 (Project cost $6,900,000)
Top End Association For Mental Health Inc | Top End House:
Construct a new mental health facility containing rehabilitation and transitional housing elements.
Granted $1,900,000 (Project cost $3,883,400)
Community Investment Streams:
2017 was the first time that the Community Stream was offered;
Barkly Regional Arts Inc | Desert Harmony Festival – Creature Comforts:
An annual festival in its 28th year, the project will expand the tourism, volunteer and audience operations to create better experiences for audiences. The project will also expand the mentoring delivery to local artists.
Granted $90,000 (Project cost $179,750)
Barkly Regional Council | Barkly Regional Council Community Waste Management Strategy:
Development of waste management strategy in the very remote communities of Ampilatwatja, Elliott, Ali Curung, Wutunugurra and Alpurrurulam. The Strategies will include master plans for each community’s waste facility, action plans and estimated costs.
Granted $161,250 (Project cost $215,000)
Nhulunbuy Bicycle Motocross Club Inc | Better BMX Track for the Future (BBTF):
Support for an all-season race track at Nhulunbuy BMX Club to provide year-round events and to hold the NT BMX Titles in 2018.
Granted $46,007 (Project cost $61,343)
Tracks Inc | Milpirri 30 Year Celebration Festival:
Milpirri, a celebration of Warlpiri culture through dance and music. This project focuses on two areas which are central to the 30 Year celebration: the Banners project and the making of Milpirri artefacts.
Granted $61.560 (Project cost $93,866)
For further information visit: www.business.gov.au/assistance/building-better-regions-fund