As there’s currently a lot of information circulating about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, RDA NT thought it may be useful for local business to compile a list of websites / resources that are relevant for your organisation.
Northern Territory Government Coronavirus Website – Provides information on the virus, what you can do to protect yourself, and links to available community information, including NT business support programs.
The Australian Government Website – Provides links to a broad range of the latest national Coronavirus news, updates and advice from government agencies.
Australian Government Department of Business – Information and support for business, financial assistance, eligibility and timing for the new government support for Australian businesses.
Australian Government Treasury Department – Information for individuals and households, small to medium enterprises (SME’s), not for profits (NFP’s) and sole traders.
ATO Website – Information about tax support to assist businesses (including sole traders) experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19.
The Funding Centre – Information specifically for not for profits requiring financial assistance.
Government Grants Currently Available
**see the links above for the full range of government stimulus programs
Amount: up to $100,000
Opening Date: 20 April 2020
Information: Grants for Territory not-for-profit and community organisations to engage local businesses to do repairs, renovations and upgrades to their property and facilities (permanent physical improvements to land and / or buildings).
No co-contribution is required up to $50K.
A 50% co-contribution is required for every dollar above $50K.
Businesses that wish to provide services must register (opens 30 Mar)
Amount: Up to $20,000
Opening Date: 13 April 2020
Information: Grants for Territory businesses for goods and services to make permanent physical improvements to land and/or a building that helps to improve the business’ operations and customer experience.
No co-contribution is required up to $10K
A 50% contribution is required for every dollar above $10K.
More information will be available on 30 Mar.
Businesses that wish to provide services must register (opens 30 Mar)
Amount: TBA
Opening Date: TBA
Information: More information released soon
Supporting Apprentices and Trainees
Amount: 50% of eligible apprentice or trainee’s wage up to $21,000 per year
Opening Date: Businesses can register from early April – 31 December 2020
Information: Wage subsidies for businesses that employ apprentices or trainees.
– Small businesses employing fewer than 20 full time employees who retain an apprentice or trainee
– Employers of any size and Group Training Organisations that re engage an eligible out of trade apprentice or trainee, if the apprentice or trainee was in training with a small business at at 1 Mar 2020