Telecommunications has enormous potential to overcome some of the regional development challenges posed by the NT’s vast distances, small population sizes, extreme climate, high service costs, and limited infrastructure. Despite this significant service shortfalls remain.

RDA NT is tackling these issues through a combination of targeted policy advice, research and infrastructure investment.

Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance

Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance

RDA NT is a member of the Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance, which includes over 400 academic, government, community organisations and businesses working together to reduce the digital divide and foster greater economic and social participation for all...

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Remote High Speed Wireless Technology Pilot

Remote High Speed Wireless Technology Pilot

The Remote High Speed Wireless Technology Pilot is a pioneering project. This initiative of the Northern RDA Alliance represents a partnership between RDA NT, RDA Kimberley, Central Desert Regional Council, and Distant Curve.The project involved connection of two...

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Telecommunications Reviews

Telecommunications Reviews

Independent Review of Rural and Regional Telecommunications Under Part 9B of the Telecommunications Act, an independent review must occur every three years. The latest review occurred in 2018 with the Government’s response released in March 2019. A copy of the...

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CRC Northern Australia Communications Analysis

CRC Northern Australia Communications Analysis

RDA NT is a partner in the Northern Australia Communications Analysis project, led by the Queensland University of Technology. Other project partners include James Cook University, Charles Darwin University, the Centre for Appropriate Technology and Premise...

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Meeting the Challenges of a Digital Economy

Meeting the Challenges of a Digital Economy

In 2014 RDA NT conducted a pre-NBN rollout survey on the digital capability and capacity of NT workplaces across the government, business, and not-for-profit sectors. Meeting the Challenges of a Digital Economy captures the findings from this survey. The report...

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For more information on remote telecommunications:

Check the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network website for information about consumer rights, including fact sheets and tips, research, and industry news.
Check the Australian Communications and Media Authority website for information for industry, including tips, contacts for complaints, research publications and blogs.
Check the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman website for an independent dispute resolution service for small business and residential consumers.
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