RDA NT partnered with Griffith University, Barkly Regional Arts, and other stakeholders to deliver the Creative Barkly project.

This three-year project aimed to examine how the creative industries builds and sustains regions, using the Barkly region as a case study. Australia Research Council Linkage funding was secured, along with cash and in-kind contributions from project partners. A Research Fellow, Dr Sarah Woodland, led the study.

While the importance of the creative sector to the economy, as well as to community health and well-being, is increasingly accepted this project developed specific measures to capture its value.

The creation of a robust evidence base will directly inform future policy, investment and program development across regional Australia.

Creative Barkly – Preliminary Report

Creative Barkly – Quarterly Update – December 2018

Creative Barkly – Full Report – October 2019

Factsheet – Arts and Health

Factsheet – Arts in the Barkly Region

Factsheet – Recommendations

Creative Barkly
Australia Research Council
Barkly Regional Arts
Batchelor Institute
Griffith University
Southern Cross University
Government sponsored